With many clients unable to make there hair appointment we are being faced with the question "What can I put on my hair at home if I cant get to you?" The answer is - absolutely no colour! Heres why and how to work around it safely!
1. Most colours are a combination of multiple different colours, creating a special formula specifically for your hair needs. Store bought colours will not have this technology and result in very basic results.
2. Application is key! As hairdressers, we are able to apply the colour correctly to the areas needed - applying it to other areas will cause unwanted bands and build up.
3. Colour choice is limitless, there are so many different ranges, for example we stock 6 different types of L’Oreal Colours in salon each formulated different for different hair needs. In a store it will be very limited.
4. It gets everywhere! You're nails, ears, face let alone your furniture - if it gets onto that those marks are permanent!
5. 'Not always what it says one the tin'. More often than not the colours wouldn't be as true to those advertised IF we get to a lock down stage - no hairdressers will be open so you will be unable to get in to get it fix until further notice!
Ok so here's how you can see it through
1. Forget stock piling on toilet roll and rice, get some of these in the cupboard. It's basically a 'spray paint' for hair with multiple different colours and will wash out when you next shampoo.

2. Use eyeshadow or even mascara! Yes, raid that makeup box and apply anything with a similar colour to yours to disguise any unwanted whites.
3. Headbands are super cool and great to chuck on to hide a grey hairline AND to cover up oily roots!